如达芬奇手中的铅笔,那细腻的笔触,吸尽铅华后的沉淀,阅尽烦恼后的归语,荟萃现代美学,勾勒出开阔简洁的空间。 If the pencil in Da Vinci's hand that fine brush touch absorb lead after the precipitation of hua read the return speech after worry.
推崇自然,结合自然,自由舒适是永恒的主题,让自有理念跟家居完全融合,呈现另一片天地。 It is an etemal theme to adcocate te combination of nature and natural freedom and comfort let free idea and household completely blend present another world.
漫步在中世纪的街道,倘若有人从落地窗走过,会有刹那间的恍然,到底隐藏于哪一段时光之中...... A stroll through the medieval streets would bring a sudden jolt if anyone passed through a french window in what period of time.